Herts Help HertsHelp Independent Information and Advice services in Hertfordshire Do you want to be more active? Would you like to meet more people? Need advice on benefits or debt? Are you caring for someone? Are you going through a crisis? Can we support you to stay independent at home? HertsHelp are free, independent services available to everyone who lives in Hertfordshire, HertsHelp services are funded by Hertfordshire County Council and NHS partners and delivered by local community organisations all sharing the name HertsHelp. HertsHelp Advocacy Services Advocates are qualified, independent people who support those who have difficulty understanding information and advice, retaining or weighing up the information or communicating their views. Issues are usually linked to social care and health matters. Most referrals are made by health or social care professionals, but family, friend or self-referrals will also be considered. Hospital & Community Navigator Service Hospital based navigators can offer information, advice and practical support to help people get home safely from hospital and get the support they need to help prevent readmission. Community based navigators provide face to face support to help with a variety of issues, including practical support to help arrange bill payments, sorting through domestic paperwork and reviewing benefit entitlement. Additional support can also help people identify and access community support that will help people to maintain their independence, health and wellbeing Referrals can be made by a health or social Care professional, family, friend or self. HertsWise A service designed with people living with dementia, low level memory loss or mild cognitive impairment, and their friends, family and carers at its heart. Its provided by a partnership of community and voluntary groups to ensure we can provide the kind of support that you need, including applying for benefits and LPA, and accessing support groups and activities. Herts Crisis Intervention Service Providing help and advice to people in crisis and facing exceptional and unexpected pressures. If you qualify for help we can help you with things such as food, clothing and essential furniture. Referrals can be made any third party or self-referral Herts Safe & Well Delivered by Hertfordshire Fire Service and is there to offer support to vulnerable people across the county who may need additional support with managing at home. Fire Officers will ascertain during their visits the type of support a person may benefit from and then HertsHelp makes appropriate referrals to ensure this support is put in place. Herts Warmer Homes Scheme In partnership with Hertfordshire County Council, the local district councils and the National Energy Foundation, HertsHelp can provide information about funded energy efficiency delivered by local district councils for measures for home owners and tenants. HertsHelp Funding Your Care Information relating to funding care and gaining independent financial advice. We can talk to you about: Care planning Hertfordshire's charging policies and if you qualify for support Where to go for benefits advice and debt counselling Referrals to regulated financial services Hertfordshire Directory For those people who would rather look up information themselves, The Hertfordshire Directory is a helpful resource. Contact HertsHelp Telephone: 0300 123 4044 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hertshelp.net Manage Cookie Preferences