Hearing nasty voices: developing new ways to measure the experience – part A

Chief investigator: Dr Emma Černis

Local principal investigator: Mary-Ellen Khoo

Please note: In order to take part in this study you must currently be receiving treatment in Mental Health Services. If you are interested in taking part please email [email protected]

What is the purpose of the study?

I am running a series of studies which are aiming to discover why negative and threatening voices (nasty voices) can be so believable and difficult to ignore.  By doing this, we hope that we can develop better psychological support for people who hear nasty voices.  One important area of this work is developing new ways to measure the experience of hearing nasty voices.  I am doing this study to develop two specific questionnaires:

  1. A questionnaire that measures the amount that people i) Believe the things that nasty voices say; ii) Listen to nasty voices.

    2. A questionnaire that measures the reasons why people listen and believe nasty voices.

To do this, we need to test which questions are the best questions to ask.  This is what this study is designed to find out. 

The questionnaires are quite long and a bit repetitive.  This is unfortunately intentional. We need to have lots of question options in order to work out which are the best questions to include in the final questionnaire.  Your involvement in the research would help us to identify these questions (simply from your answers), and we will then be able to shorten the questionnaires.

If you are interested in taking part please email [email protected]