Healthy Habits Group

Habits, both good and bad, play a major part in our lives and shape our behaviours. These small actions and decisions have a major impact on who we are, how we feel and what we do. We develop these habits as we journey through life, built through learning and repetition.

We are happy to be bringing our monthly Healthy Habits group back for another round of sessions over the next six months. In this groups, we discuss and explore ways that new healthier habits and routines can be learnt and help to shake off the habits that have been harmful & disruptive to your well-being in the past.

The group will promote and detail the benefits of self-care, look at setting goals, staying on track and managing setbacks. Advice on monitoring wellbeing, spotting the early warning signs, and seeking help will be provided.

Whether you are looking to develop new habits in the pursuit of life goals or seeking to break the habits you feel are holding you back, please join us as we learn together and from each other on how to maintain change in our lives.

Healthy Habits Group Dates
All Sessions Run from 2pm until 3pm on the first Tuesday of every month starting in October

Tuesday 1st October

Tuesday 5th November

Tuesday 3rd December

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Healthy Habits Access

Decrease Increase £0.00